03 August 2012

Welcome to Jackson Editorial Services

You’ve come to this site either by accident or choice. If the latter, then you care about the quality of your manuscript or formatted copy. You’re searching for someone who will help you clearly communicate your message and intent—whether it’s to inform, persuade, instruct, or inspire. Or perhaps you want one final sweep of your copy—reassurance that every character is properly positioned.

You’ve come to the right place. Jackson Editorial Services will deliver.

Is Jackson Editorial Services the best match for you? That’s best known through further exploration. Before selecting any wordsmith, it’s wise to consider these variables:


The priority of these variables varies by client and situation. Today your priority may be time; a month from now it may be software. Check the links on the right beneath the heading “Client Concerns” to determine whether Jackson Editorial Services can provide what you need. If the information you’re searching for isn’t there, send an inquiry to jacksoneditorial at gmail dot com.

Jackson Editorial Services wants your business, but only if it’s right for both of us.